CEO, Managing Partner
Contact for the Industry Digital & Technology – in particular for the Software, Technology Solutions, IT & Cybersecurity and Network & Telco’s sectors as well as Professional Services.
Phone: +49 69 95092-0
Office: Frankfurt/M.
Email HAGER:
Structure, dynamism and vision characterize Martin Krill, who has played a key role in shaping and advancing HAGER Executive Consulting as Managing Partner since 2004. It is no coincidence that he has successfully completed projects involving particularly difficult-to-fill positions at executive level. He scores highly in senior sales and management positions thanks to his outstanding sales instinct. He attaches great importance to ensuring that the result is a real win-win situation for everyone involved. 20 years of experience in top-level recruitment, excellent knowledge of human nature, entrepreneurial spirit and an eye for the big picture make him a strategic partner in executive search.
Get to know a forward-thinking and empathetic designer.
Curriculum Vitae of Martin Krill
Industry experience:
Martin Krill has been intensively involved in the IT sector since the 1990s. Within HAGER Executive Consulting, he has built up work with and for companies in this sector into a key division. Today, as managing partner, he fills key positions in numerous industries - with technical expertise and strategic vision.
Professional development:
- Training as a bank clerk
- Studied business administration
- 1999 HAGER Executive Consulting
- Managing partner of HAGER Executive Consulting since 2004
- German
- English
- Spanish (basic knowledge)
Technology Solutions
IT & Cybersecurity
Network & Telco’s
Professional Services.
Phone: +49 69 95092-0
Office: Frankfurt/M.
Email HAGER:
Message to Martin Krill
KI für ein besseres Matching zwischen Kandidaten und Positionen
Auch im Recruiting ist künstliche Intelligenz nicht mehr wegzudenken. Sie hilft dabei, die richtigen Interessenten schneller mit passenden vakanten Stellen zusammenzubringen und führt so zügigeren und auch faireren Besetzungsverfahren. Gleichwohl werden die smarten Maschinen die menschlichen Recruiter nicht überflüssig machen. Ihr Know-how bleibt gerade bei der Einschätzung von Soft Skills, Teamdynamiken oder der kulturellen Passung eines Kandidaten unabdingbar. Diese Aspekte kann KI nicht bewerten, sagt Martin Krill. Im Interview verrät der CEO bei HAGER Executive Consulting auch, wie Unternehmen die durchaus vorhandene Skepsis von Bewerbern gegenüber künstlicher Intelligenz im Recruiting abbauen können.
Chief AI Officer (CAIO): KI hält Einzug ins Top-Management
Künstliche Intelligenz wird zur Schlüsseltechnologie – der Chief AI Officer (CAIO) übernimmt dabei eine zentrale Rolle im Management. Erfahren Sie mehr über diese Schlüsselposition und ihre Herausforderungen.
The ideal LinkedIn profile: How to position yourself for top jobs
In the digital age, LinkedIn is crucial for professional success, especially for high-paying jobs. Martin Krill, CEO of HAGER Executive Consulting, shares his expertise and gives exclusive tips on how to optimise your LinkedIn profile. He emphasises the importance of authenticity, strategic foresight and high-quality content.