Leadership Development
Top performance without training – impossible in sport, everyday life in business.
HAGER’s leadership training gives you the opportunity to strengthen yourself for your daily top performance in terms of employee management and to prepare yourself for your future role as a manager.
We train with lots of interaction in a group of a maximum of 10 like-minded participants using real-life practical situations.

Topics that move:
- Positioning on the topic of employee management.
- Motivational interviews – what drives my employees? What is their why?
- Light and shadow. From praise to criticism.
- Different characters exhibit different behaviors.
- Winning and losing. From recruitment to dismissal.
Learning effects that drive progress:
- The job of a manager is a responsible one that can be learned and trained.
- Understanding of all types of employee appraisals, from the pleasant to the unpleasant.
- Understanding and dealing with different characters and their particularities
Training process and content
You will receive your invitation and information about the training approximately 4 weeks before the start of training. This includes, among other things
Introductory reading about the training, information about the company, introduction of the trainer.
– Position assessment: attitude,
expectation, demand
– Motives and drive of employees
How do I find out about motives?
– Motivational and delegation discussions
– Effect on other people
– Conscious use of time – Part I
Action plan until the next training day
Each training day is followed by an implementation interval of 3-4 weeks*
Reflection on the action plan
What concrete results have been achieved?
– Promoting and implementing ideas
– Leaving one-way streets of thought
– Motivation under difficult conditions
– Support and development discussions
– Consciously influencing the effect on other people
Action plan until the next training day
Each training day is followed by an implementation interval of 3-4 weeks*
Reflection on the action plan
What concrete results have been achieved?
– Conferences, moderation, leading discussions
– Recovery meetings
– Basics of results-oriented
– Conducting discussions
– Having the courage to address unpleasant issues
– Dealing with rumours
Each training day is followed by an implementation interval of 3-4 weeks*
Reflection on the action plan
What concrete results have been achieved?
Praise and blame – two sides of the same coin:
– Conscious praise, correct praise
– Conscious use of time – Part II
– Criticism and reprimands
Action plan until the next training day
Each training day is followed by an
implementation interval of 3-4 weeks*
eflection of the action plan
What concrete results have been achieved?
– Different people, different behaviors
– Why do people react differently
– My preferences and those of others
– Exercises for dealing with different
– With whom do I communicate better, with whom
more difficult
What does this insight mean for future
– Employee appraisals
Action plan until the next training day
Each training day is followed by an
implementation interval of 3-4 weeks*
Reflection on the action plan
What concrete results have been achieved?
Recruitment interviews:
How do I find out what interests me and what I need to know?
Dismissal interviews:
Preparation, implementation, follow-up
Each training day is followed by an implementation interval of 3-4 weeks*
Monthly inquiry e-mail
Refresher workshops
Further training courses on additional topics
e.g. sales, rhetoric and presentations, time management, etc. e.g. sales, rhetoric and presentation,
time management, etc.
Each training day is followed by an
implementation interval of 3-4 weeks
– Implementation of the training content in the
individual working and living environment
– Completion of predefined tasks
– Weekly e-mail reminders and
follow-up questions
– Contacting the trainer on request
Current training dates
The training courses comprise six dates!
City Hotel Bad Vilbel | Frankfurt
Alte Frankfurter Str. 13
D-61118 Bad Vilbel
wednesday, den 12.03.2025
tuesday, den 08.04.2025
wednesday, the 23.04.2025
tuesday, the 27.05.2025
tuesday, the 17.06.2025
thursday, the 03.07.2025
from 09:00 to 17:00 Uhr
Novotel München City Arnulfpark
Arnulfstraße 57
D- 80636 München
Donnerstag, den 18.09.2025
Dienstag, den 09.10.2025
Donnerstag, den 20.11.2025
Donnerstag, den 04.12.2025
Donnerstag, den 15.01.2026
Donnerstag, den 12.02.2026
von 09:00 Uhr bis ca. 17:00 Uhr
Register now!
Thomas Wetzel
Thomas Wetzel is the contact person at HAGER Executive Consulting for the areas of development leadership, assessment and change management.