by Hannah Carthaus | Dec 4, 2024 | CONSULTANTS, HAGER NEWS, Martin Krill, Press
Künstliche Intelligenz hat sich in jüngster Vergangenheit zu einer Schlüsseltechnologie entwickelt. Das gilt auch für deutsche Unternehmen, die sich zunehmend mit den Einsatzmöglichkeiten von KI auseinandersetzen. Doch ist das Betätigungsfeld komplex. Zahlreiche...
by Hannah Carthaus | Dec 2, 2024 | CONSULTANTS, Frederik Luz, HAGER NEWS, Press
First-class managers are important so that small and medium-sized companies can compete against the major powers in the logistics market. But the competition for personnel with the big players is tough. In addition, medium-sized companies in particular need a special...
by Dani Davarashvili | Oct 14, 2024 | CONSULTANTS, HAGER NEWS, Press
Sahar Meets Niklas Lenkewitz Introduction and personal presentation Sahar Zabler (SZ): Welcome to today’s podcast. I’m delighted to be talking to an expert from the construction and real estate industry today about a very relevant and important subject:...
by Dani Davarashvili | Sep 2, 2024 | CONSULTANTS, HAGER NEWS, Press
Sahar Meets Franz von Dithfurth Introduction and presentation Sahar Zabler (SZ): “Welcome and thank you very much for taking the time. Could you give us an insight into your professional journey and tell us how you got into the real estate industry?” FVD:...
by Dani Davarashvili | May 15, 2024 | HAGER NEWS, Inamullah Qayyum
“Most people overestimate what they can do in one year and underestimate what they can do in ten years.” This quote reflects Inamullah Qayyum’s impressive career at HAGER, which began in September 2014 when he started his training as an IT specialist...