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Digital leadership: Martin Krill on key skills for managers


Martin Krill reveals six key competences for managers

In today’s fast-moving digital landscape, certain key skills are essential for managers to be successful. Martin Krill, CEO of HAGER Executive Consulting, emphasises that it’s not just about technical know-how, but a combination of hard and soft skills.

Firstly, a sound understanding of the latest technologies is crucial. Managers do not necessarily need programming skills. Nevertheless, a solid overview of current technologies is essential for business strategy.

Another essential skill is data literacy. In an era where data is seen as the new oil, decision-makers need to be able to make data-driven decisions. Structuring, analysing and harnessing data for business success is a key factor.

In addition to these technical skills, adaptability is a must. In the face of rapid technological developments, managers must not remain in their comfort zone. They should be able to quickly categorise new situations and continuously develop innovative solutions.

Creativity also plays a crucial role, especially in developing innovative solutions to complex challenges. This ability enables managers to utilise the full potential of data and artificial intelligence.

These qualifications form the foundation for successful leadership in the digital age. Managers who possess these skills are well positioned to succeed in a dynamic and ever-changing world of technology.

Martin Krill emphasises the importance of a broad, resilient network – online and offline. It contributes to success in the digital world and increases the chances of being discovered by recruitment consultancies such as HAGER Executive Consulting.

Source reference: The entire article is based on information from Business Insider. The article can be found here: https://www.businessinsider.de/karriere/headhunter-diese-6-skills-muesst-ihr-fuer-fuehrungsrolle-mitbringen/

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