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The best personnel consultants in Germany 2023 – Handelsblatt honours HAGER Executive Consulting


As part of an industry study by the Handelsblatt Research Institute, HAGER Executive Consulting has made it into the top 40 of the best personnel consultancies in Germany for the second time in a row.

As part of an industry study by the Handelsblatt Research Institute, HAGER Executive Consulting has made it into the top 40 best HR consultancies in Germany for the second time in a row. The study emphasises the importance of digitalisation.

For the second time this year, the Handelsblatt Research Institute (HRI) looked at the question of which of the more than 2,000 management consultancies operating in Germany can be considered the best in their field. The autonomous research institute, founded in 2013 under the umbrella of the Handelsblatt publishing group, surveyed around 20,000 employees in 1,000 HR consultancies. This took place in collaboration with the business data specialist The IQ Company. In addition, the survey of around 48,000 specialists, managers and HR managers was included in the assessment. From around 2,800 recruitment consultancies, the respondents were asked to name those that they considered to be the most renowned service providers overall. They were also asked for their recommendations for individual sectors, functions, hierarchical levels and salary grades.

As a result, HAGER Executive Consulting has once again succeeded in standing out from the competition. As a result, HAGER is one of the 40 most frequently named personnel consultancies and has already received its second prestigious award this year. In addition to the competition, the client recognition also led to this. In May, FOCUS Business selected HAGER as a top personnel service provider for the tenth time in a row.

The Handelsblatt Top HR Consultancy 2023 poll was also part of a large-scale study on the topic of digitalisation in HR consulting. The HRI study shows that almost one in two participants (43%) consider digital transformation to be the most pressing issue. This includes managers in HR consultancies, executives and HR managers. Aspects such as artificial intelligence are becoming increasingly important. This can serve either as a tool or as an increasingly sought-after applicant qualification.


‘We are naturally delighted to have been honoured once again this year by Handelsblatt,’ explains Martin Krill, CEO of HAGER Executive Consulting GmbH. ‘However, the context of the study also makes us realise in which areas we have been able to impress so far and where we are still required to ensure and demonstrate top performance.’

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