by HagerNewAdmin_1996 | Feb 23, 2022 | HAGER NEWS
McKinsey hat kürzlich errechnet, dass uns die Pandemie in Sachen Digitalisierung rund sieben Jahren nach vorne befördert hat. Das geht weit über Videokonferenzen und Online-Shopping hinaus. Schauen wir auf 2022 – und die spannendsten digitalen Trends von...
by HagerNewAdmin_1996 | Dec 21, 2021 | HAGER NEWS, Martin Krill
Some repetition never gets boring, no matter how many times you come across it. The same applies to the award for BEST HEADHUNTER 2021, which HAGER received for the fifth time in a row in December. This year, HAGER was voted Germany’s best headhunter in a total...
by HagerNewAdmin_1996 | Sep 13, 2021 | HAGER NEWS, Ralph Hager
In 1996, exactly 25 years ago, Ralf Hager founded HAGER Executive Consulting GmbH, which specializes in executive search. Time for a short, personal company analysis in four chapters – with a few surprising insights. In 1996, our everyday office life was still...
by Angela Keuneke | May 11, 2021 | HAGER NEWS, Martin Krill, Ralph Hager
What comes next? Round birthdays often lead to people looking in the rear-view mirror. That is understandable. But also in the truest sense: a little backward-looking. Certainly, HAGER Executive Consulting can look back with pride on a quarter of a century of success...
by Angela Keuneke | May 5, 2021 | HAGER NEWS, Ralph Hager
HAGER Executive Consulting supports the Berkersheim school As one of Hesse’s European schools, the Berkersheim school is committed to peaceful coexistence and understanding, respectful cooperation in everyday school life across cultures. The elementary school...