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Landwirtschaft & Distribution

At HAGER, agriculture and distribution covers the entire food production value chain. From production and processing through to sale and consumption.

At HAGER, Agribusiness & Distribution covers the entire food production value chain – from production and processing to sale and consumption.

If you want a good and fair future for agriculture and distribution – in view of climate change and resource scarcity – you cannot do without more sustainable technologies and excellent leaders, especially on a global scale. Decision-makers must also be able to deal with industry-specific issues in a reliable and pioneering manner. For example, long-term investment cycles, environmental issues and food safety.


Our individual and personal service is therefore very close to the customer. We fill demanding positions at senior and middle management level in agricultural and agricultural-related production and service companies. Including their supply industry, as well as in trading, production and service companies in other sectors. Our clients include medium-sized, owner-managed companies, state institutions and global corporations.

What makes us special is not only our in-depth knowledge of the industry, which has grown over decades, but also our ability to find access to the most suitable talent. We combine this with a proven knowledge of human nature. This is why we identify management personalities and specialists with pinpoint accuracy. We ensure for our clients that placed candidates and their new professional environment fit together perfectly and interact profitably.

Talk to our team of experts!

Hager_Martin Krill


CEO, Managing Partner

Hager_Oliver Badura


COO, Founder