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Business Unit Manager IT Services and Technology Solutions

Contact person for the ‘IT Services & Technology Solutions’ industry at HAGER Executive Consulting GmbH.

Hager_Ingo Kasten

Phone: +49 69 95092-163
Office: Frankfurt/M.
Email HAGER: ingo.kasten@hager-consulting.com
Email HORTON: ingo.kasten@horton-germany.com

Curiosity. Experience. Bite. These are three key words for a person who has been passionate about personnel consulting for many years. These three words summarise what matters to Ingo Kasten when he is looking for the next R&D manager for an IT service provider. He benefits from his experience at an American software manufacturer as well as his personal maturity and authenticity. He is always keen to master new challenges and break new ground in the process.

Get to know an expert who is really interested in you.


Ingo Kasten rekrutiert seit über 20 Jahren in den Branchen IT Services und Technology Solutions. Er war selbst fünf Jahre in der IT-Branche als Recruiting Manager beschäftigt und kennt diese Welt durch und durch. Daraus hat sich sein Recruiting-Schwerpunkt konsequent in Richtung Software, IT Services und -Operations sowie Digitale Transformation und Industrie 4.0 entwickelt.

Berufliche Entwicklung:

  • Ausbildung zum Bankkaufmann
  • Studium der Betriebswirtschaftslehre, Schwerpunkt Bankbetriebslehre
  • 1996 Consultant in der Personalberatung
  • 2000 Recruiting Manager bei US-amerikanischem Software Hersteller
  • Seit 2005 HAGER Executive Consulting


  • Deutsch
  • Englisch



Hager_Ingo Kasten

Phone: +49 69 95092-163
Office: Frankfurt/M.
Email HAGER: ingo.kasten@hager-consulting.com
Email HORTON: ingo.kasten@horton-germany.com

Message to Ingo Kasten


Sustainability in the medical device industry

Sustainability in the medical device industry

In an interview with Dr Markus Neumann from the HAGER Life Sciences Practice, Eric De Kesel, responsible for sustainability at the Swedish medical device manufacturer Mölnlycke, explains how disposable products can still generate a good eco-balance.