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7 Persönliche Fragen an Daniel Kutschenko


Daniel Kutschenko new Business Unit Manager at HAGER with effect from 01 January 2022

7 personal questions for Daniel Kutschenko.

How do you start the day?

As a father – our two boys are one and five years old – I have discovered the morning hours for myself.
My ‘me time’ starts at 6 a.m. from Monday to Friday – when everyone else is still slumbering peacefully – with meditation, journaling and jogging, alternating with fitness. This puts me in a positive frame of mind and I’m ready for whatever the day brings.
Then I have an oat milk shake, get the kids ready and walk to the nearby daycare centre. Then it’s off by car to the office 20 minutes away – for the first calls or podcasts, such as IT News or Steingart’s Morning Briefing – where the first espresso and the morning team meeting await.

What would your colleagues say about you?

That I am usually in a good mood, genuinely interested in them and ‘on the pitch’.

Where there is light, there is also shadow. What can annoy others about you?

That I always prefer to tackle problems and to dos immediately, if only to get them out of my head. My follow-ups can get on my nerves.

What is your favourite question in interviews that you ask candidates for clients?

I see it as a great privilege to immerse myself in the world of my interviewees with confidence. Accordingly, I like to ask about my interviewee’s personal recipe for success in interviews. This also enables me to better assess whether the person and the company on whose behalf I am looking for talent can be successful together…and I always learn something new along the way.

Why are you a personnel consultant?

I see my role as a ‘marriage counsellor for managers’. At its core, it is about understanding people and organisations and I find it fulfilling to literally ‘bring together what belongs together’.

Do you have a quirk in your private life?

I always meticulously organise my fridge (whether at home or at work) according to a special system: by category, best-before date and with the packaging facing forwards. My professional background is in consumer goods marketing and certainly can’t be completely denied…

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My family, my running shoes and my smartphone – if only for the podcasts

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KI für ein besseres Matching zwischen Kandidaten und Positionen 

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