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What characterizes a successful personnel consultant as a person


7 personal questions for Simona Schramm, who has been working at HAGER Executive Consulting in the IT Services & Operations business unit since 2013. As Team & Project Manager, she is responsible for the handling and management of complete consulting projects. Together with her team, for which she has disciplinary and technical responsibility, she successfully fills key positions at various hierarchical levels as a passionate personnel consultant

HAGER Successful personnel consultant

How do you start the day?

At best, I’m the first one in my family to be awake (I’m a mother of 20-month-old twin girls) and drink my coffee and read the news in peace. Then I prepare breakfast for my children, pack my rucksacks, drive to nursery and then it’s off to the office. Then it’s straight on to meetings, both with the team and with clients.

At the weekend, there’s also time for a round of yoga in the morning.

What would your colleagues say about you?

My colleagues would describe me as a trustworthy and empathetic contact person who is always on hand with help and advice.

Where there is light, there is also shadow. What can annoy others about you?

My urge for order and structure. Chaos makes me nervous, both in my private life and at work. I like to let other people feel this from time to time.

What is your favorite question in interviews that you ask candidates for clients?

“What is your favorite thing to do when you’re not working?” In addition to professional aptitude, it is very important to me to get to know the person behind the CV. Hence the question about your private life. Clients also appreciate this when we talk in depth about the candidate.

As a mother of two young daughters, how do you manage to balance your job with your family?

With a lot of organization, structure and passion – both for my children and for my career. I consciously spend the afternoons with the girls, in the evenings when they are asleep I catch up on emails and prepare for the next day. Thanks to the flexibility I get from HAGER and the understanding for family, everything can be perfectly reconciled and I can successfully continue on my path as a team manager.

Do you have a quirk in your private life?

I have my very own system for loading the dishwasher, which is perfect for me. Nobody is allowed to talk me into it.

What three things would you not want to do without?

My family, my cell phone and my yoga mat.

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