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HAGER continues to expand – merger with personnel consultancy Convenio AG


HAGER Executive Consulting GmbH, one of the leading and largest personnel consultancies in the German-speaking world, is expanding its team as of 1 September 2022 by merging with Convenio AG (Siegburg). They specialise in filling positions in the fields of technology and digitalisation.

HAGER Fusion Convenio AG

Convenio’s industry focus is on the information, telecommunications, financial services and logistics industries

Since 2002, the personnel consultancy Convenio has supported innovative technology companies and top international players with the exclusive search for specialists and managers. High quality standards and professional customer orientation have made the medium-sized company a sought-after executive search expert.

At HAGER, Convenio founders and board members Alfred Luttmann and Eckhard Berg contribute their extensive knowledge to the successful placement of decision-makers and top performers. They have excellent contacts at all decision-maker levels. Their long-standing industry focus is on the information, telecommunications, financial services and logistics industries, where they can draw on deep networks.
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With the merger, HAGER is continuing its growth strategy focussed on responsibility and future trends.

It is also a further building block in HAGER’s declared mission as a HUMAN POTENTIAL COMPANY. A highly qualified environment that cultivates a sense of responsibility for networking and the further development of sustainable leadership.

Martin Krill, CEO HAGER Executive Consulting GmbH:

‘The strategic merger has brought together two successful brands that have a lot in common in their DNA. Everyone will benefit from the resulting synergies in the future and – that is our goal. HAGER will have an even higher profile as a top partner for leadership services in industries with a strong focus on digitalisation. We want to use this to further expand our already very good market position in a solid and dynamic way.

In addition to their many years of experience, HAGER and Convenio have a similar philosophy, which makes the merger harmonious. This guarantees continuity for the trusting contact with our clients. We are delighted to welcome Alfred Luttmann and Eckhard Berg, two excellent personnel consultants, and their entire executive search team to HAGER.’

Alfred Luttmann and Eckhard Berg are Business Unit Managers at the new HAGER location in Siegburg (Cologne/Bonn) and contact persons for the ‘IT Service & Digital’ business unit.

About HAGER Executive Consulting GmbH:

HAGER Executive Consulting was founded more than 25 years ago and today employs around 150 people at its German locations. As a partner of Horton International, HAGER is represented in more than 40 offices in the world’s most important economic regions. HAGER is one of the top executive search consultancies internationally.

With their extensive expertise in the field of digital transformation, HAGER employees are competent contacts when it comes to the digitalisation of companies.

In the latest surveys conducted by the business and news magazines WirtschaftsWoche and Focus, HAGER was once again recognised and listed as one of the best executive search consultancies.

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KI für ein besseres Matching zwischen Kandidaten und Positionen 

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