Partner Banking
Contact person for the ‘Financial Services’ industry at HAGER Executive Consulting GmbH.

Phone: +49 69 95092-195
Office: Frankfurt/M.
Email HAGER: henning.sander@hager-consulting.com
Email HORTON: henning.sander@horton-germany.com
The psychology graduate likes to see what belongs together grow together – and loves to inspire people for a cause. This is particularly important in the banking sector. Henning Sander has already worked as an international personnel consultant, focussing on recruitment, training and selection procedures. In addition, the trained systemic coach knows what it means to keep going even in challenging situations, to think strategically and to move forwards with determination.
Get to know an ambitious, strategically-minded expert.
Curriculum Vitae von Henning Sander
Henning Sander hat in allen seinen beruflichen Stationen Unternehmen aus dem Finanzsektor beraten und begleitet. So hat er über die Jahre sehr viel Branchen-Know-How aufgebaut, was ihm in der Kombination mit der Psychologie bei seiner Aufgabe wertvolle Dienste leistet.
Berufliche Entwicklung:
- Studium der Psychologie
- Seit 2004 verschiedene Stationen bei renommierten Personalberatungen (Personalentwicklung, Eignungsdiagnostik, Beratung)
- Seit 2007 HAGER Executive Consulting
- Deutsch
- Englisch
- Französisch
- Latein
- Altgriechisch

Phone: +49 69 95092-195
Office: Frankfurt/M.
Email HAGER: henning.sander@hager-consulting.com
Email HORTON: henning.sander@horton-germany.com
Message to Henning Sander
A resilient network is crucial
An interview with the business magazine ‘Finanzwelt’ and our Business Unit Manager Financial Services, Henning Sander, about the pressure to transform in the financial sector, the shortage of skilled labour and suitable strategies to combat it.