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Convenio joins HAGER

Since August 01, 2022 we have been working together!

Welcome to HAGER Executive Consulting!

HAGER Executive Consulting GmbH, one of the leading and largest personnel consultancies in the German-speaking world, is expanding its team as of 1 September 2022 by merging with Convenio AG (Siegburg), which specializes in filling positions in the fields of technology and digitalization.

For more information, follow the link to the press release:

Get to know our team! We look forward to meeting you.

Convenio joins HAGER
Convenio joins HAGER

Welcome to HAGER Executive Consulting!

HAGER Executive Consulting GmbH, one of the leading and largest personnel consultancies in the German-speaking world, is expanding its team as of 1 September 2022 by merging with Convenio AG (Siegburg), which specializes in filling positions in the fields of technology and digitalization.

For more information, follow the link to the press release:

Get to know our team! We look forward to meeting you.


We have over 150 employees, including more than 80 consultants, at your disposal at 5 locations in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

Years on the market

With over 25 years of experience in executive search, we are one of the most experienced consultancies in the German-speaking world.


Occupancy rate

We can do one thing above all: keep our promise and find the best.

Countries International

With Horton International, we are represented in over 40 countries.


Opportunities and possibilities

  • PInternational reach & network
  • PSynergies within HAGER
  • PHigh availability and capacities
  • PFast reactions and solutions

Questions? Let us talk to you.

1 + 10 =

Alfred Luttmann

Alfred Luttmann

Business Unit Manager IT Service & Digital

The numerous conversations we had beforehand convinced me that we, HAGER and convenio, have an identical understanding of values, culture, business and ethics over many distances – above all, how we can tackle and master the challenges of the future together and continue to grow successfully. And that feels good.

Alfred Luttmann

Eckhard Berg

Business Unit Manager IT Service & Digital

We are delighted!

The merger with HAGER is absolutely the right step for positive further development. We have received a very warm welcome and are already realizing that we are stronger together.

Eckhard Berg

Eckhard Berg
Eckhard Berg

Eckhard Berg

Business Unit Manager IT Service & Digital

We are delighted!

The merger with HAGER is absolutely the right step for positive further development. We have received a very warm welcome and are already realizing that we are stronger together.

Eckhard Berg

This is how we will help you


Gender disclaimer

HAGER lives and promotes diversity and equal opportunities regardless of age, cultural background, disability, sexual orientation, gender and gender identity. If the masculine form is used in texts, this is only for readability. She always involves everyone.