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More than a soccer table


Sustainability and digitalisation are at the top of the executive search agenda


Do you remember? The job market supplements in the national daily newspapers once weighed heavily.

Today, access to the internet facilitates and optimises many things. Thanks to the enormous reach of recruiting, including in the well-known social media networks, companies can reach significantly more suitable managers.

Digitalisation has already revolutionised the world of work. Workplaces in all sectors have adapted to the new, variable requirements and, at the same time, more and more managers are moving in who have different ideas than the baby boomer generation. Benefits such as a foosball table or a weekly fruit basket are not decision criteria for them. What has become more important, just like for companies, is the cultural fit, i.e. the optimum fit between the values and objectives that are practised. The mega topic of sustainability and a healthy work-life balance are becoming increasingly important.

In view of this paradigm shift, executive search is in good hands with those who deal intensively with current trends worldwide and are in close contact with industry leaders in order to be able to react immediately to changes in the market or to adapt the search for suitable candidates immediately.

In the search process, the willingness to change jobs, qualifications, mobility and salary expectations are initially sounded out. So far, so usual. But companies expect much more than a positive first impression in the candidate profile.

  • Do the expectations and needs of both sides match?
  • What can the company offer apart from the best benefits, the greatest atmosphere and above-average remuneration?
  • How is sustainability (including a sustainable management culture) promoted in an exemplary manner on both sides?
  • And, crucially, also for both sides: Digital leadership.

In future, Germany’s corporate groups want to take all ESG goals into account, i.e. become more environmentally, economically and socially sustainable. Climate neutrality stands out as a major goal here. This sustainable transformation, which will unfold in a similar way to digitalisation and therefore also change smaller companies forever, requires very carefully selected specialists and managers. It is their responsibility to systematise the – also technical – transformation towards sustainability in the company. They know the demanding regulations and respond to a demanding public. And last but not least, decision-makers themselves are called upon to set an example of sustainability within the organisation and thus inspire and motivate the workforce.

Further interesting technical articles

KI für ein besseres Matching zwischen Kandidaten und Positionen 

KI für ein besseres Matching zwischen Kandidaten und Positionen 

Auch im Recruiting ist künstliche Intelligenz nicht mehr wegzudenken. Sie hilft dabei, die richtigen Interessenten schneller mit passenden vakanten Stellen zusammenzubringen und führt so zügigeren und auch faireren Besetzungsverfahren. Gleichwohl werden die smarten Maschinen die menschlichen Recruiter nicht überflüssig machen. Ihr Know-how bleibt gerade bei der Einschätzung von Soft Skills, Teamdynamiken oder der kulturellen Passung eines Kandidaten unabdingbar. Diese Aspekte kann KI nicht bewerten, sagt Martin Krill. Im Interview verrät der CEO bei HAGER Executive Consulting auch, wie Unternehmen die durchaus vorhandene Skepsis von Bewerbern gegenüber künstlicher Intelligenz im Recruiting abbauen können.