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Shortage of skilled workers for plant fire departments


Strategic recruitment as the key to safety in the industry

Staff shortage in fire departments, plant firefighters and firefighters

In modern industry, plant fire departments are an indispensable pillar of operational safety. They are specially tailored to the needs and risks of the respective branches of industry and make a significant contribution to preventing or minimizing damage caused by fires, explosions or technical faults. However, the growing demands on these emergency services and the serious shortage of skilled workers are threatening the operational readiness and therefore the safety of many companies. This is where we, the Automotive unit, come in with our expertise in personnel recruitment to close this critical gap and ensure operational safety.

The current situation: facts and figures on the skills shortage

The shortage of skilled workers can be felt in almost all areas of the public sector, but the situation is particularly critical in the fire departments. According to an analysis by the German Fire Brigade Association, there are currently 23,977 volunteer fire departments and 111 professional fire departments in Germany. In the case of plant fire departments, which are specifically responsible for protecting industrial companies, the demands on personnel are particularly high. It is expected that the emergency services not only master fire-related operations, but also have a deep understanding of the specific dangers of the respective industry, be it in the chemical, mechanical engineering or automotive industries.

But this is precisely where the problem lies: demographic change and the decline in birth rates mean that fewer and fewer young people are finding their way into this profession. In addition, many experienced firefighters will be retiring in the next few years. The dbb Beamtenbund und Tarifunion estimates that around 1.36 million public sector employees will retire by 2030, which corresponds to around 27% of the total workforce.

Special challenges for plant fire departments

Plant fire departments differ from public fire departments in many respects. Their tasks range from classic firefighting to handling hazardous substances and providing technical assistance in the event of industrial accidents. This requires not only comprehensive basic training, but also regular further training in order to meet the high safety standards of the respective industry.

One example: In the chemical industry, firefighters need to know exactly how to handle hazardous substances, how to react in the event of a leak and what measures to take to prevent an environmental disaster. The automotive industry, on the other hand, is often concerned with technical fires and rescuing people from hard-to-reach areas in production facilities. The diverse requirements make it particularly difficult for companies to find and retain qualified personnel in the long term.

Our solution: Tailor-made personnel placement for the industry

To overcome these challenges, the Automotive unit offers a specialized recruitment service for plant fire departments. “Our strength lies in understanding the specific needs of the industry and placing appropriately qualified specialists,” explains Daniel Norpoth, Business Unit Manager of the Automotive unit. “We know that it’s not enough to just place any firefighter – the specialists have to be a perfect fit for the respective industry and have the necessary specialist knowledge.”

Why our expertise is crucial

Recruiting specialists for industrial fire departments is a challenging task. A deep understanding of both the requirements of fire department work and the specific needs of industry is required. “Safety in industrial companies depends to a large extent on the operational readiness of the plant fire department. Our job is to ensure that this is guaranteed at all times,” emphasizes Norpoth. This is not just about filling vacancies, but about offering companies long-term security and stability.

Our track record in personnel consulting, particularly in safety-relevant areas of industry, speaks for itself. Companies that place their trust in our expertise benefit not only from a fast and reliable personnel service, but also from the certainty that their specific requirements and challenges will be understood and implemented.

Looking to the future: the role of digitalization

Another important aspect that we take into account when recruiting is the increasing digitalization in the industry. Modern technologies, such as the use of drones for situational awareness or automated systems for firefighting, are playing an increasingly important role. Here, too, we rely on specialists who are familiar with these technologies and can use them effectively. Through targeted training and further education, we ensure that the personnel we provide are always at the cutting edge of technology.


The shortage of skilled workers in plant fire departments is a challenge that requires decisive action. Our Automotive unit offers tailor-made solutions to close this gap and ensure safety in industrial companies. With our expertise in personnel consulting, our in-depth knowledge of the industry and our commitment to continuous training, we are the right partner for companies that focus on safety.

Place your trust in our expertise and experience – for a safe and stable future for your plant fire department.


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