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FOCUS Business Ranking 2021 – HAGER Executive Consulting once again among the top employers in the SME sector.


HAGER Executive Consulting best workplace 2021

HAGER, which specializes in executive search, has once again been named one of the best employers in the German SME sector by the business magazine FOCUS-Business.

To determine the top employers in the SME sector in 2021, data from more than 950,000 companies from 39 sectors with over four million ratings was analyzed. The ranking included companies that belong to the German SME sector, i.e. have between 11 and 500 employees and are located in Germany. Various assessment criteria were used, such as working atmosphere, work-life balance, salary level and, this year, how the coronavirus is handled.

In its study, FOCUS Business highlighted the fact that this year’s winners of the ranking manage to offer their employees an ideal working environment despite the pandemic and digital transformation.

The joy is great

“We are delighted with this great feedback from our employees,” explains Ralf Hager, founder and Managing Director.

With flat hierarchies, short decision-making paths and openness to innovative ideas, HAGER Executive Consulting offers an optimal working environment as a medium-sized company. The 25-year success story that HAGER can now look back on is only possible with a highly motivated team.

“Our team is the most important factor in our company’s success. This applies both to the current time of crisis and in general,” adds Ralf Hager. “I am therefore all the more pleased that our employees have such a positive perception of the actual working conditions at HAGER. It goes without saying that we are constantly striving to improve them further.”

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