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The HAGER team supports the “Mask sale for a good cause” campaign


Together with the 110-strong team, HAGER Executive Consulting has donated a total of 5,000 FFP2 masks for a unique nationwide initiative.

HAGER_ Mask donation for a good cause

With an internal appeal for donations, HAGER Executive Consulting, which specializes in executive search, motivated its 110-strong team to support the “Mask sale for a good cause” initiative. With a total of 2,530 FFP2 masks, the employees donated between 5 and 500 masks for this campaign. HAGER Executive Consulting has increased the total number of donations to 5,000. The aim is to actively support socially disadvantaged people for whom the purchase of masks is often difficult to afford.

Donation campaign by HAGER Executive Consulting for people in need

The initiative comes from the Enser Warenkorb e.V. association, a non-profit and voluntary organization that supports people in need throughout Germany by purchasing CE-approved FFP2 masks. The masks purchased with these donations are distributed by volunteers to food banks, homeless people, care homes etc. throughout Germany.

The organizer of this campaign is Mr Rainer Textor, who supports it on a voluntary basis out of conviction. “My wife is active in the food bank in Ense and that’s where the idea for this initiative came from. Many of the needy people who regularly visit the food bank were concerned about the legal requirement to buy FFP2 or surgical masks. The masks, some of which cost between €2 and €5, are equivalent to the value of a meal for socially disadvantaged people,” says Rainer Textor about the idea behind this unique nationwide initiative.

“We at HAGER Executive Consulting would like to make a contribution with our donation to actively support this campaign. The idea was for both the employees and us as an employer to donate. Our employees were so motivated to get involved by our internal appeal that we immediately increased our donation to 5,000 FFP2 masks. We therefore hope that many other companies will also take part in this campaign to actively support people in need,” explains Ralf Hager, founder of HAGER Executive Consulting.



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