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Sahar Meets Franz von Dithfurth
Sahar Meets Franz von Dithfurth

Introduction and presentation

Sahar Zabler (SZ): “Welcome and thank you very much for taking the time. Could you give us an insight into your professional journey and tell us how you got into the real estate industry?”

FVD: My name is Franz von Ditfurth. I’ve been working in the real estate industry for 29 years – always – and have been with MAG – Mainzer Aufbaugesellschaft for 10 years. As a member of the management team, I am responsible for acquisition and sales. I’m also known as MAG’s “foreign minister”.
MAG has been a successful project developer and property owner in Mainz and the Frankfurt Rhine-Main metropolitan region since 1966. The “and” is a real competitive advantage, because we have 4 powerful and flexible business divisions: We work as a portfolio holder in real estate management, as a project developer, as a service provider for the city of Mainz and operate parking space management.

Networking as a success factor

SZ: “Networking is essential in the real estate industry. Can you tell us about a situation in which your network helped you decisively?”

FVD: Specific names and projects are of course covered by the confidentiality clause, but I’ve done business on almost every roof terrace in the region. Not to the point of being ready to sign, of course, but the initial talks are often unplanned and just happen. Networking is particularly fun when win-win situations arise by chance. But of course there are always decisive situations and meetings at Expo Real or MIPIM.

Personal networking strategies

SZ. “What unusual or creative methods do you use to expand and maintain your network? Is there a particular strategy that has proven to be particularly successful for you?”

FVD: Attend at least 150 events per year! I represent MAG at EVERY important event. The real estate business is a people business – my favorite saying – but it’s true. Networking only works through personal contact, which is why I always try to keep an ear to the market and always be where the industry is meeting.

Networking in the digital world

SZ: “Digitalization has changed many aspects of networking. How have
you personally experienced this development and which digital platforms
do you actively use for your professional network?”

FVD: I can only think of LinkedIn, which I consider to be the number one business platform. We at
have been using LinkedIn since this year as MAG with weekly posts for our
target group communication with (future) employees, shareholders, brokers and
investors. And quite successfully, because of course we evaluate every post in terms of image
KPIs and engagement KPIs and consider both quantitatively and qualitatively how
we can become even more efficient.

On the other hand, I have been using LinkedIn for much longer with my
personal profile for my personal network. And ideally, the two go hand in hand on
: personal and corporate content.

Effects of current events

SZ: “The real estate industry is facing numerous challenges, be it
due to economic fluctuations or regulatory changes. How
have these developments affected your work and your network activities

FVD. Seit die Branche strauchelt, hat die Bedeutung von Netzwerken noch mal zugenommen.
Persönlicher Austausch in Bezug auf die richtigen Leute zur richtigen Zeit zu sprechen oder
auch zu treffen, kann den Wettbewerbsvorteil bringen, auf den wir alle mehr und mehr
angewiesen sind. Vermarktung als People Business ist definitiv kein Selbstläufer (mehr),
sondern harte Arbeit (geworden).

SZ: “Which innovations and trends in the real estate industry are you currently observing
with particular interest, and how do you integrate them into your

FVD: Sustainability has become a real business driver. No one can get away with just claiming
sustainability anymore. Verifiable facts and as much black on
white as possible in the form of certificates and receipts boost sales opportunities. Accordingly, we are currently entering the “certification ring” with
our projects.

Key moments & anecdotes

SZ: “Is there a moment or an anecdote from your professional career that has fundamentally changed your view of the industry or networking?”

FVD: There wasn’t just one moment, but a number of people who shaped me. First and foremost, I would like to mention my stepfather, who challenged and encouraged me, and my real estate father Mathias Hensel from Mannheim, who showed me the value of real estate development early on.

Formative experiences

SZ: “What experience in your career has had a particular impact on you and perhaps
even changed your approach to challenges?”

FVD: Before joining MAG, I was Head of Real Estate Marketing at Fraport AG in Frankfurt for almost three years and Senior Manager Real Estate Workout at Helaba in Frankfurt, where I was responsible for “distressed real estate”. This position in particular had a huge impact on me and helped me to anchor my real estate knowledge. It is so important to understand that real estate is not static and fundamentally stable, but needs to be made fit again and again, especially when the market situation is difficult.

Visions of the future

SZ: “How do you see the future of the real estate industry in the next ten years? What role will networking play in this change?”

FVD: The mix of asset classes will continue to be subject to fluctuations. Residential construction has boomed for many years, but is now the sector’s problem child. Accordingly, it will continue to be good to be as broadly positioned as possible in the future. In my view, MAG is doing this right. Several mainstays simply ensure the company’s survival. And apart from that, we have to be honest that thinning out in terms of “survival of the fittest” also has its advantages.

In thematic terms, circular construction will prevail. MAG has a strong focus on this at the moment. For example, we are already making sure at the planning stage that no composites in the building materials will make recycling more difficult later on. My colleagues are more experts in this area than I am, but they tell me about stumbling blocks such as old DIN standards that often still prevent recycling.
Then, of course, the influence of artificial intelligence will increase massively over the next ten years.

Networking can perhaps be seen as THE constant. Networking will not lose its importance and will continue to be a “give and take” and support every change, no matter what form it takes.

Personal goals & projects

SZ: “Is there a project or goal that you are particularly proud of and that you would like to realize in
the coming years?”

FVD: This question ties in with my title as MAG’s “Foreign Minister”. I don’t want to tie it to a project or goal, but I would be very happy if colleagues and partners continued to call me that. It means that I’m doing my job quite well if I’m allowed to “officially” represent MAG to the outside world.

Advice & wisdom

SZ: “What advice would you give to young professionals in the real estate industry who are at the beginning of their career and want to build their network?”

FVD: Pay attention to real contacts! It is too short-term thinking to blindly send out contact requests on the platforms just because you find a profile interesting. Networking only works if you really know the people behind the profiles. Similarly, for me, only a healthy mix of networking online and networking in the real world works – in other words, a real face-to-face encounter. And in the end, you also have to be prepared to go the extra mile, i.e. attend events in the evening or over the weekend.

SZ: “Thank you very much for the inspiring interview and your valuable insights.”

Learn more about: Sahar Zabler

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