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Onboarding at HAGER from the perspective of a personnel consulting expert


Ulf Gissel, Senior Consultant in the Business Unit Energy, joined the Executive Team at HAGER Executive Consulting at the beginning of July.

HAGER Onboarding Ulf Gissel

The perfect start with HAGER

Thanks to the well-thought-out and structured onboarding process, I had a perfect start as a Senior Consultant at HAGER. The relaxed and open interaction with each other since the first day of my onboarding – in my own department, but also beyond the team -, the “Duz” culture across all hierarchies unites many common interests and actively shapes team cohesion. I learn something new every day, can make excellent use of the knowledge I bring with me and also expand it thanks to the open-minded culture.

What also inspires me is the pronounced agility in the company organization. People who want to help shape things at HAGER and contribute their ideas have open doors and scope to implement them. The short decision-making paths – thanks to the flat hierarchy – mean that there is no need for long decision-making phases.

HAGER is a future-oriented company with a very diverse team. Diversity is actively brought to life here, whether through tandem programs, unconscious biasworkshops or active cooperation with network partners.

Learn more about: Ulf Gissel

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